One Dream at a Time.  The Life of a Simple Wife.


Food. No matter what you do, how you live, or what you believe, food is vital to your existence. It's just a fact of life. No matter what form it takes, or where it comes from, people need food.

I've always loved to cook. When I was a young child I remember watching both my mother and grandmother cook. I loved to watch them, whether they were aware of it or not. I remember thinking they possessed some sort of magic that they used only in the kitchen, and hoped that I carried the mysteries of that magic in my veins too. I not only wanted to possess that magic, but I wanted to master it.

Download my four week menu planner as a .doc file here.
Download my four week menu planner as a .pdf file here.
My recipes and my tweaks to other recipes can be found in my food journal (blog) here.