One Dream at a Time.  The Life of a Simple Wife.

26 June 2009 - Wow, did I seriously fail at keeping a reading log in 2008. I guess it slipped through my fingers like everything else did. I know I read more than what's listed here, but I apparently didn't keep any records of it.

The beginning of 2008 found me adding a number of books to my collection as well as to my "ooo!! I want that!!!" and reading lists. I'm sure some of them will pop up here sooner or later. Even though I haven't listed them often on past lists, I'm listing cookbooks this year since I do read them just like any other book (with just a little less attention to the details).

Books are listed by the date they are finished, followed by those in progress. Cookbooks are listed in a section lower on the page. Books I start but can't stomach finishing are listed at the very bottom.

The 2007 list is here.

And it should be noted that I often put books I own on hold in favor of reading library books that I will only have for a short period of time. Most of the books I borrow from the library have "hold" lists half a mile long so I read them whenever they come to me. (Seriously, there's one I put on hold in November and at the beginning of February I had only moved up three slots to be the 56th person in line.)
