One Dream at a Time.  The Life of a Simple Wife.

I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in photography. I remember my mom indulging me with a 110-film camera when I was a pre-teen. Again, years later as I was entering the 11th grade, my family indulged my interest in photography by coming up with the funds for a Pentax K1000 so that I could take my first photography class. If I hadn't been in love with photography prior to that, I would have been with that first class.

Fast-foward twenty-some years, skipping over a lot of time that my trusty old Pentax sat packed away in a box while I worked and lived then focused on raising a child and took pictures with the nifty little point-and-click camera with automatic time/date stamp that was much lighter to carry around in the diaper bag, and you find me still in love with photography. These days I use an Olympus SP-510UZ that my father-in-law gave us for Christmas 2006, and I have forgotten more than I remember about manual settings on any camera. I am relearning, though, and having lots of fun with my camera in the process.

A sampling of the photographs I've taken can be found at my flickr account. Just click on the badge below. Starting at the beginning of 2008, I'm also undertaking a Photo-A-Day project. It can be found here: Chele Shot. Unless stated, the only editing that has been done to any of my photos is resizing, and sometimes I'll add a border, my initial(s) and the date the photo was taken. Beyond those things, my photos are just as I've taken them.

Updates to the flickr account below are made randomly as most of the pictures I take are of my family and with very few exceptions those photos are posted under a locked account accesible only to family and a few close friends. I try to update Chele Shot daily, but I'm just not at the computer that much anymore so there will be days with no updates followed by several days worth of pictures.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from asimplewife. Make your own badge here.